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Displaying all 40 name(s) for the Surname List
Surname, ForenamesBornDied
List,Ann 1810 

List,Ann Boon1876 

List,Ann M1879 

List,Annie 1879 

List,Caroline 1846 

List,Charles 1834 

List,Charles 1850 

List,Elizabeth 1831 1854

List,Elizabeth 1834 

List,Emily Alice1885 

List,Ethel 1884 

List,Frederick 1892 

List,George 1834 

List,George 1855 

List,George 1883 

List,George 1887 

List,Gertrude 1882 

List,Hannah 1839 

List,James 1755 1814

List,James 1801 

List,James 1825 

List,James 1837 

List,Jane 1848 

List,John 1735 

List,John 1827 

List,Martha O1877 

List,Mary 1804 

List,Mary 1869 

List,Mary Ann1854 

List,Nelly 1878 

List,Reginald 1888 

List,Robert 1807 1890

List,Robert 1826 

List,Susan Ann1877 

List,Thomas 1842 

List,Thomas 1881 

List,Thomas A1871 

List,Walter 1875 

List,William 1844 

List,William 1874 

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